Wednesday 8 October 2008

a new challenge!

An interesting thing happened to me on Saturday, and no it wasn't the patient dying, but one of my colleagues asked if I could knit.  Automatically, I said yes - you remember my tea cosy mum, and John you still have the masterpieces that are the Dr Who scarfs.

So eventually she went to her car and got her needles and wool - it was actually a very busy day so obviously we were doing this on our break!! I was actually getting a bit nervous, I havent knitted anything in probably over 25 years, maybe I should have said I didnt know how to do it.......

So she produced her needles - whats that i asked! Oh needles have changed she said it was 2 pieces of wood and a plastic thread tying them together.

I showed her how to cast on (once I found the starter bit of wool) and showed her the 2 basic stitches and off she went.

I was quite proud of myself, being able to do that and even thought to myself I should go take it up again and knit something...................... this space!!

1 comment:

Johnny Main said...

Yes, Pinky still has his pink and white Doctor Who scarf! :)