Sunday 13 April 2008

The after effects

The after affects of us moving I think are just about beginning to hit "home".  Definitely we were initially caught up in trying to get on with our lives as quickly as possible we almost forgot to stop and appreciate us and have the reality we are here in California.

I play the role best by focusing and dealing with the problems in hand, order beds, answer emails, have meals on table and register for clubs.  I have also got a job and found schools and registered.

Simon has been very busy getting on with his job and occasional trips to LA and throwing himself back into the Theater group.

This weekend we just spent time as a family, no interruptions, no deadlines, just get up when we feel like it, buy a sandwich and sit in a park and then when we are done hang out by the pool.

That was the first time in 9 weeks that we "stopped, hugged each other" and accepted that we had moved on. I still feel I have not been able to put in the time with regards to communicating with our dear friends we left behind but I am trying and I hope to find the time soon.

We are happy we are here, we did not want Celebrations we are here, we did feel very sad that things did not work out for us in the UK and often feel we failed, but I would prefer to look at it as just another adventure.  

I just hope here is where our hearts and minds can rest happy for many years to come, we are excited to have people to visit and even if we don't email or call enough we always have our family and friends in our thoughts.

We took a great leap coming back here and luckily we didn't land on a trampoline but on good steady ground,

Cheers to the next 9 weeks and more beside..............................

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