Monday 28 April 2008

New Changes and challanges

Big news this week from the UK as Gillian produced a beautiful baby boy after a grueling Labour, both are doing well and are home now.  Nathaniel was a little disappointed it was a boy as he has some plans to marry the baby girl (he has asked everyone else and they have all turned him down), but then he decided maybe he could play soccer with Stan instead!

Dad seems to be doing a little better and I even managed to speak to him briefly today, he sounded a little more energetic than he has been.

I have spent 4 days in Atlanta (thank you Simon) with some friends and had a wonderful time eating and drinking, with a 5 hr flight and a 3 hour time difference it has left me a tad tired so this is short as I contemplate work in the morning I feel i must close down my brain early tonight.

Oliver opens next week so we are all very excited to see all Simon's hard work............I cant believe we are heading into may soon and i still am being crap at my weight loss!!

night night

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