Tuesday 15 April 2008

Standing at the bar

This is not an unusual thing for me (standing at the bar), thinking what drink I will partake in next, however this isn't what i have been doing.

The Bar Method was  a new exercise class i was encouraged to take, having been asked many times before I have decided that to enable me to have some precious "ME" time I have to start doing more than staying at home, so I signed up for this class and am excited to see how my body and strength will transform, i will definitely feed back to you my progress.  The first class was quite scary especially as my legs started to shake as it was so intense. I saw an immediate result in my recovering leg after just one class my movement was much improved where I had still been having pain

Along with the Bar Method, I am committing myself to doing running training every tuesday  - we run lots and lots of laps in intervals at the local high school.

I am definitely hoping I improve a little on my running I have been out of the loop with it so much the past year it is time for me to take steps and improve my well being again and with that i am a much happier and well rounded individual which in turn will benefit those around me.

A little hard work never killed anyone and I am definitely up for the challenge.... watch this space

1 comment:

hpalleiko said...

One step at a time doll! You are awesome. I hope this helps you find what you need on your road to getting back to the health you want.