Monday 24 December 2007

and this year.....

Entering the big top is.......................................................

Yesterday we went to the circus, it has been a long time since I have been and Simon and Nathaniel have never been so we were excited to visit, I remember the cold tents in the muddly fields, and having to climb up rows of metal benches to reach your seats but once up there there was the perfect view of the Elephants, Lions, Clowns, and other entertainer..

So.....the big hiking boots were un necessary, the tend was place behind a garden center and you walked through the garden center to get to the path all marked with nice soft straw, this also gave the garden center a good marketing opportunity to get you buying last minute things.

As you walk toward the tent you smell the most amazing smell.....hotdogs and pop corn, I could have eaten them but knew I better not ask as we had just had a delicious (no really it was) lunch. We found our ringside seats and due to my sneakiness was able to grab enough and screw up the people also sitting down about the same time (you snooze you loose). We were in the second row and Natey was very excited to see tyhe clown and maybe the lady on the trapses, well we saw all that and Santa claus and a very scantily clad (Simon wasnt objecting) Mrs Clause doing some very exciting stunts, and the strong man is now in a "bart simpson costume" to make it a little more interesting and also so they can have picture opportunities at the end.

Nateys favourite was the flying man - he really felt he could have tried that and made a good job of it, I however did not want to volunteer my son for the rollerskating trick and I am glad I didnt it looked frightening. It was just about 1 hr in length and definately fun and frightening to watch at times

A lovely afternoon of entertainment - at 25 pound for all our tickets a little pricey but definately worth it.... I still wont join the circus although Natey might, I would go again.

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