Wednesday 26 December 2007


who ate too much?? Who drank too much?? who had a fight?? who got a present they didn't like

I am sure all of us had about one of these things happen to us but hopefully it didn't hamper the day, despite the fact I didn't think I ate too much I still feel perfectly full (although I am still dreaming of sage and onion stuffing - my favourite)

Presents, food, drink and family galore, we had a lovely day and still managed to go to sleep at a reasonable time, mainly as we are in the travelodge and it is a bit boring to sit in the dark while we wait for Nathaniel to fall asleep and I actually think I dosed off before him as he was waiting on Simon going to sleep. Hence they are both still asleep and it is gone 8.30 am and I am typing this sitting on the toilet (with the lid down BTW) so I don't disturb them, being in a travelodge is a weird way to spend Christmas but allows us to be near my parents these holidays and were extremely inexpensive too,

So onto Boxing day, Simon doesn't want to eat again and Nathaniel is very impressed with santa although he has no clue who gave him what and he thanked me for his etcha sketch - although I reassured him "santa" bought it

Enjoy the sales if you dare to go out!!

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