Wednesday 13 August 2008

Being "hot hot hot"

This has been a most memorable day, not only have I (for the first time in ages) felt "awake", today was the day Nathaniel aged 4 5/6th swam a length of the pool 12 times totally unassisted and in fact I was at the other end of the pool cheering him on (as were the rest of the pool) of course  in his favourite words "I have never seen a 4 5/6th boy swim as good as that" he now definitely has his eye on the prize (well several ) he thinks he can do the fast swimming, diving, and ladies Gymnastics - YES he has been enjoying the Olympics with me, he likes to snuggle on the sofa next to me and tell me that he could have done what they did....but better - oh the optimism is funny!!

So today was a sweltering day, another of the many hot days when it reaches over 40 oC (104 oF), so we spent the morning in the pool with our friends Melissa, Jack and Ryan but after Pizza karate was calling so headed over there for his class.  On our return we decided it was too hot for anything so hit the pool once again, and the joy in his face as he achieved all his new goals - pure joy and the first thing he wanted to do when he got out the water (after I dragged him out) was to call "daddy", but the ansaphone was on so he left a message and daddy soon called back.

and now I am sitting trying to keep cool I have changed my jammies 3 times trying to find something cool and I eagerly await 4am when the wind picks up and the air becomes fresh and cool - at least till about 8am when it gets roasting again,

so for now, maybe an ice lolly is in order..................night night

oh and my leg still hurts today but I have managed some decent exercises mainly in the pool and the wii fit!!

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