Thursday 15 April 2010

Another new one

Every year there are new TV series, and some make it and some don't and every few years you find one that seems to "capture" the hearts of the world. Glee seems to be one of those that has hit it off with most people, as friends eagerly post "spoilers" on facebook and such joy to know you are ahead and know what is going on that say the UK it gives a strange excitement - it is a TV show!! The last one that had this much "buzz" was probably Ugly Betty in 2006 and prior to that Lost in 2004 (22nd september). The fates of these programs are not just in the audience but how the writers write so time will tell if "Glee" can maintain the phenomenon and keep going for many seasons, Ugly betty went quickly down hill and has now been cancelled, Lost, lost it's way around the 3rd season but came back strong for the 4th and now we are looking at the final season with just a few episodes left - I hope it makes sense!

Many of these series have dips and peaks and some people tolerate more than others but the main thing is just go out and enjoy what you can.

Our current favourites


Keli said...

LOVE Nurse Jackie - twisted yet entertaining. Another good one is Parenthood. It looks shmaltzy and all feel-good from the promos but there's some interesting story lines.

Katharine Eves said...

I enjoy parenthood too keli