Tuesday 10 June 2008

Preparing...........for a journey

So, in 9 days (you can count that on 2 hands) we will be leaving for our long journey to the UK and not returning until 24th July, 5 weeks which will probably past in such a quick time but it is also a long time for Simon to cope with his own washing and eating take out!!

We are looking forward to enjoying our family and friends and hopefully catching some sight-seeing as well to make it an enjoyable and hopefully reasonably restful trip.

Will we have "wii" withdrawals - probably, but while i am out there I hope to get my running back into shape so when i return I am ready for my next 1/2 marathon.  

It was lovely to see pictures of Mum and dad at the celebrations this week glad they look well.  John (little Bro) has his hair cut the same as me now (although he did it first) maybe people will think we are twins!!.

There is so much to think about taking on a trip like this but I think I have pretty much done everything I need to and we will be ready for the plane!

So 9 days and counting

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